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This site has been visited 8'104'291 times since February 1st 2003 (122'277 visits over the last ten days and 13'078 today) 18'659 18'257 18'041 12'036 940 941 9'551 13'648 13'092 17'112 13'078 WPanorama has been downloaded 355'881 times from this site in 7'941 days (84 times over the last ten days and 5 today)
WColConv has been downloaded 143 times from this site in 2'130 days (0 times over the last ten days and 0 today)
12'600'525 images have been downloaded from this site in 7'941 days (10'110 over the last ten days and 14 today) 87 106 56 104 67 70 47 6'401 42 3'130 14 586 messages in the guestbook since September 19th, 2003 (last message on January 10th, 2023) |
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