Visits and downloads statistics

 Swiss local date and time: 3/28/2025 at 6:34 pm  (Standard time, GMT+1) 

This site has been visited 9'196'476 times since February 1st 2003
(397'332 visits over the last ten days and 16'044 today)

99'269  37'294  22'845  30'955  21'549  24'075  21'126  95'383  25'733  19'103   16'044

WPanorama has been downloaded 356'234 times from this site in 7'985 days
(76 times over the last ten days and 6 today)  11  6   0

WColConv has been downloaded 143 times from this site in 2'174 days
(0 times over the last ten days and 0 today)


12'645'651 images have been downloaded from this site in 7'985 days
(7'524 over the last ten days and 2'150 today)

282  4  55  24  23  25  25  59  147  6'880   2'150

586 messages in the guestbook since September 19th, 2003
(last message on January 10th, 2023)


depending on your connection speed, the pages called
by the links below may take several minutes to display

The 100 most downloaded panoramas for the past 10 days

The 100 panoramas with the highest download rate

The 100 panoramas with the highest number of downloads

The 100 most recently downloaded panoramas

The 100 most recently published panoramas

Authors and countries sorted by number of panoramas

Number of panoramas published each month and year